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I’m interested in gathering together a community of people who want to support each other in our socially deviant goals to dismantle the technocapitalist patriarchal timeline. When you subscribe, you get full access to the newsletter and website. I’ll aim to post goodies twice a month.

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Witch love is bubbling passion for life. I need your passion in my life, and we all need each other.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Frantic Panties

WhiteFeather's philosophical ramblings. All things bioart, DIY bio, biotech philosophy, witchcraft, technofeminism, biomaterials, menstrual materiality, etc. More at whitefeatherhunter.ca (art projects) or uwa.academia.edu/WhiteFeatherHunter (papers).


Canadian bioartist, SSHRC doctoral fellow and Australian govt scholar. PhD candidate at @symbioticalab / UWA. #witchesinlabs